Ziconia when and why to use it |Dentistry 33

2022-10-22 19:57:21 By : Mr. Michael Song

To take stock of Dentistry33 is the president of the IAOCI International Academy of Ceramic Implantology Sammy Noumbissi.Here is the summary of his thoughtIn recent weeks Dentistry33, the online English-language newspaper of EDRA USA, interviewed Sammy Noumbissi (pictured) president of the IAOCI International Academy of Ceramic Implantology on the topic of using Zirconia implants and crowns as a valid alternative, especially for biocompatibility, absence of allergic reactions, osseointegration, favorable response to soft tissues and above all aesthetics, to titanium.Davis Cussotto translated and summarized the interview.Why should dentists choose Zirconia?Many people today choose a natural-oriented lifestyle, eat organic foods, use natural materials, and don't like having metal restorations in their mouths.Others cannot use metals for allergy reasons.Remember that titanium in the oral cavity can undergo corrosion and the components of the alloy can reach peripheral organs.These patients are ideal candidates for zirconia implants.Modern zirconia has closed the gap with titanium alloys, today we can use it as a substitute for conventional implants.It does not undergo degradation, has a very low affinity for bacterial plaque.What are the advantages for ceramic implants?How do you choose the right patient for the zirconia implant?The advantages are aesthetic emergence, biocompatibility and ease of cleansing.Any patient is good for this type of implant.Particularly suitable for systemic imbalances, severe forms of cross allergy.Furthermore, like any medical device, zirconia implants also have limitations: anatomy and bone defects, atrophies, particular gnathological situations.Are zirconia implants suitable for all professionals?Macroscopically, the zirconia implants are identical to those in titanium and the insertion protocol is the same, however. For the correct insertion of these implants it is necessary to take into account some details, nuances, insertion and osseointegration times.For this reason, the practitioner who wishes to insert zirconia implants must perform adequate training.Failure sometimes attributed to the material is almost always related to poor doctor training.The prosthetic aspect, for example, is essential when implant planning is carried out, it is necessary to have a precise idea of ​​the restorations that will be subsequently used in order to choose the most suitable type of implant.Three tips for the dentist who approaches the method.1) Zirconia is a “diva”, it must be known and treated in compliance with the insertion protocols.3) Follow up of patient hygiene.At these links the original interview published by Dentistry33 published in between parts: Part 1;Part 2;Part 3.O33 implantology 17 October 2022O33 implantology 17 October 2022Histological data from a recent laboratory study on different abutment materialsprosthesis September 27, 2022prosthesis September 27, 2022Stefano Granata presents the procedures used based on the integration between excellent traditional clinic and new technologies.Watch the video reportagora-del-monday 26th September 2022agora-del-monday 26th September 2022For prof.Gagliani the new path that quality dentistry must follow is very simple: use biocompatible, tolerable, long-lasting and easy-to-use materials.O33 prosthesis 26 September 2022O33 prosthesis 26 September 2022In a study to be published soon in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, the authors evaluated the effect of surface pretreatment on the retention force of the ...produced September 16, 2022produced September 16, 2022The new MUA that can represent the starting point of an increasingly modern digital flowChronicle October 21, 2022Chronicle October 21, 2022To deepen the interactions between oral health and systemic health, but also to cope with the growing request for assistance from patients for problems of ...O33 Insights 21 October 2022O33 Insights 21 October 2022The various bonuses provided and the credits assigned ex officio reduce the number of credits to be acquired by 31 December 2022. 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